I don't see November either. Any way of posting a link?
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Disturbing cover picture November 2014 awake!
by stuckinarut2 inoh wow..... i have just seen the cover picture for the november awake!.
sorry, i don't know how to post a picture here....(perhaps someone else can assist?).
it is just plain creepy.. the article is called "keys to a happy life".... but the looks on the faces say something different!
Are You Ready to Face a Faith-Challenging Preaching Situation? Too Funny
by Watchtower-Free inposted to the facebook meme group.
apostate & ex-jehovalarious meme collection.
breakfast of champions
Wow! I want my card witnessed by the Vatican and UN too!
You should meet Brother Smart Engineer
by garyneal inmy wife, who now thinks i am not competent enough to discuss spiritual matters with the kids, thinks that i could really benefit from discussing matters of the bible with this nasa engineer who attends meetings at her kingdom hall.
apparently, he is quite knowledgeable in the bible and has a good grasp of their doctrines.
at least according to her as i never actually spoken with the man at length but i do know that he is an elder.
breakfast of champions
My father was an engineer for the Department of Defence. . . . a smart guy. That being said, he was/is absolutely CLUELESS with regards to religion, and although he opposed my upbringing as a JW by my mother, he never really posed a good argument against it. He just got angry.
Speaking to him now, he realizes this wasn't ever his strong point. Sure he's great with mathematics and problem solving in the physical world. . . but not so great at critical thinking skills/reasoning through bullshit. I think a lot of engineers are the same way. I call it "engineer brain" . . . . really damn smart with regards to problem solving in the physical world. . . . but that's it.
TONIGHT (Sunday 8-10-2014) FBI's "Most Wanted" Brother Mclean "CNN's" "THE HUNT". 1 HOUR INTERVIEW.
by BucketShopBill ingood morning brothers and sisters, remember to watch john walsh interview our brothers and sisters about brother mclean from oregon, the most wanted pedophile and top ten fbi's list of perps!
have a nice day, be cool!.
can you help bump this topic until the show is over, we have large amounts of vistors coming, seeking help and direction.
breakfast of champions
Looks like the story will air at 9:30 eastern.
TONIGHT (Sunday 8-10-2014) FBI's "Most Wanted" Brother Mclean "CNN's" "THE HUNT". 1 HOUR INTERVIEW.
by BucketShopBill ingood morning brothers and sisters, remember to watch john walsh interview our brothers and sisters about brother mclean from oregon, the most wanted pedophile and top ten fbi's list of perps!
have a nice day, be cool!.
can you help bump this topic until the show is over, we have large amounts of vistors coming, seeking help and direction.
breakfast of champions
TONIGHT (Sunday 8-10-2014) FBI's "Most Wanted" Brother Mclean "CNN's" "THE HUNT". 1 HOUR INTERVIEW.
by BucketShopBill ingood morning brothers and sisters, remember to watch john walsh interview our brothers and sisters about brother mclean from oregon, the most wanted pedophile and top ten fbi's list of perps!
have a nice day, be cool!.
can you help bump this topic until the show is over, we have large amounts of vistors coming, seeking help and direction.
breakfast of champions
What time does this air on the east coast?
Pedophile Elder Case in Warrensburg, NY 1982 - Nicholson
by Seeker4 ini just came across a thread from 2002, (i'll link it here in the next post), about congregations in upstate ny, many that were with a vt circuit i was in for many years.
in there i wrote the following about a infamous pedophile case involving an elder, don nicholson.
here was part of one of my posts on that thread.
breakfast of champions
Nicholson was DF'd again within the past 9 months or so. Supposedly he was having an affair with an elder's wife (or pioneer? Not sure exactly on that detail - don't quote me on it.)
Anyway, he cheated on his wife and was DFd. He has to be in his late seventies at this point.
A sick fucker to the very end.
JWs: not creationists but believe in creation...
by TheStumbler ini've been having a bit of an email exchange with elder dad and i need some advice.
i thought i was getting through to him but i think my criticism and tone became a bit too strident in my last email and now he thinks that i am attacking him personally.
i think he has dismissed everything i said because he perceived me as 'overally critical, and rude.. .
breakfast of champions
I think what is happening here isn't an issue of semantics or what dictionary/encyclopedia says what.
It's a matter of worldview, that is, JWs don't believe they're part of any "-ism" -- period.
Being the only true religon in the universe they operate outside "man's knowledge" with all it's "-isms" and such.
by Wilfried inthis message is especially for frenchspeaking people :.
yesterday august 7th was officially released the first volume of the highly anticipated french comic masturbin & clitorine (very funny names impossible to translate in english, and stories are even more hilarious).
some artworks had been uploaded on facebook several months ago, and now it's available !
breakfast of champions
This is great! I downloaded l'echantillon gratuit.
breakfast of champions
I'm a solid 7.